Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker Voluntary Recall - FAQs
1. Why is Double Insight conducting this recall?
We are conducting this voluntary recall because a tooling misalignment during the manufacturing process created a gap between the bottom of the inner pot and the top surface of the heating plate. This gap can cause the multicooker to overheat and melt on the underside, posing a fire hazard to consumers.
2. How can I tell if my Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker is affected by the recall?
This recall involves all Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicookers with batchcodes 1728, 1730, 1731, 1734 and 1746. The batchcode is located on the rating label on the underside of the product. The batchcode is the 4-digit number located at the bottom right of the label.
3. What should I do if I have a recalled Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker?
You should immediately stop using your Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker, unplug the unit, and contact Double Insight to request a refund.
4. My Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker is recalled, but it appears to be working okay. Can I continue to use it?
No. You should immediately stop using your Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker, unplug the unit contact Double Insight to request a refund.
5. How do I receive a refund?
If you have a recalled Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker, you should contact Double Insight to request a refund.
6. I no longer have the original packaging for my recalled Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker. Can I still receive a refund?
Yes. Please contact Double Insight to request a refund.
7. I no longer have the receipt for my recalled Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker. Can I still receive a refund?
Yes, you are able to receive a refund if you no longer have the receipt for your recalled Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker. Please contact Double Insight at 1-888-891-1473 or visit www.gemmulticooker.com to request a return shipping label and instructions for removing and returning the unit's power cord and rating label located on the underside of your Gem 65 8-in-1 Multicooker. After Double Insight receives your returned power cord and rating label, Double Insight will provide a refund.
9. How long will it take for me to get refund?
After Double Insight receives your unit's returned power cord and rating label, Double Insight will ship your refund.
10. I have different questions. Where can I get additional answers?
For additional information, please contact us toll-free at 1-888-891-1473 from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ET Monday through Friday. You can also go online to www.instantpot.com and click on PRODUCT RECALL or visit www.gemmulticooker.com for more information.
We sincerely regret any inconvenience this voluntary recall may cause.